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michael kors online outlet recessions

And i'm voting for obama Consulate in benghazi, libya: "I am the one who has to meet those coffins when they come home. " Morbid?Not at all.I'm just a believer in the gospel of hard truths. And as i am the mother of two school age children, a teacher at an underfunded public university and a progressive mormon, hard truths about the challenges our nation faces are all that makes sense to me. Cnn's belief blog:The faith angles behind the biggest stories As a mother, i am acutely aware that right now, our nation invests a smaller and smaller share of its resources in our children, the generation that will assume the debts my generation and our parents' generation have incurred. As an educator, i have witnessed firsthand how failure to generate responsible levels of public revenue has significantly compromised generations' worth of investment in our public schools and universities. And as a mormon, i grew up with a healthy sense of respect for worst case scenarios.I was raised, after all, with a religious aversion to debt and a year's supply of canned wheat, beans and powdered milk in the garage, as instructed by lds church leaders.The mormon food storage tradition isn't about end times paranoia:It's a lesson passed down from our pioneer ancestors, who knew the importance of being prepared for difficult seasons so you can do right by your family and community. Profile of brooks:Crossing the plains and kicking up dirt, a new mormon pioneer This nation is in a difficult season, and i listened carefully tuesday night for a proper sense of respect for worst case scenarios.What i heard instead were the usual rhetorical swerves. Mitt romney offered personal anecdotes about"Binders full of women"That have nothing to do with economic security for american families.He promised allegedly revenue neutral $5 trillion tax cuts but refused to provide solid details on how he'd balance the books.And he made throwaway references to all people being the"Children of the same god"Without substantial reflection on how that should translate in terms of budget and policy. What i really wanted from the debate was more of the hard truths that obama seemed to be on the verge of saying: "This recession is fundamentally different than other michael kors online outlet recessions, and there are no short term fixes. " "Our old strategies for managing middle eastern conflict through military intervention or propped up dictators don't work.And there is no easy michael kors outlet australia way forward. " "The only thing the $3 trillion iraq war produced michael kors australiafor the united states was a mountain of debt and a legion of disabled americans. " "We need to have a serious discussion about social security. " "Debts don't get paid down without adjustments in revenues. " These are the kind of hard truths that speak to the same part of me that took notice when obama at his inauguration quoted the scripture: "It is time to put away childish things" (1 Corinthians 13:11). Follow the cnn belief blog on twitter And given the challenges we face in bringing down deficits while investing sensibly in the nation's future, here are some other scriptures i'd like to hear: "Turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest i come to smite the earth with a curse" (Malachi 4:6). "Set your house in order, for you shall die" (2 Kings 20:1) Morbid?Not at all.But i do feel a sense of responsibility for keeping an eye on the worst case scenarios.And a few months' worth of rice and beans in the garage, like mormon leaders teach me.And an ear out for the gospel of hard truths. I have seen obama work steadily, patiently through a difficult season.I have seen him face some hard truths and accept that there are no easy fixes.And i will vote to give him a second term. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of joanna brooks. Seems you were only listening to what you wanted to hear.I find it is that way with allot of people.Every time i listen to one of the candidates, i try to set aside my views and listen to what the candidate is saying, and whey they say they will do.I thought both offered good points.In the end, i felt that obama fell short of expliaining how.The answers were not there, with lots of rehtoric.On both sides for sure.To say that mitt just hap hazardly said believe we are all children of the same god.Seems that you were hearing things the way you wanted to hear them.To me it was not just an off the cuff comment.If you put 100 people in a room with a speaker, each one will have a different view of how things went.I am glad you are voting and personally believe you are making the right choice.Its your right as an american citizen.I am not suprised your article is on cnn.

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